Operating Instructions Started

The Operating Instructions provides you with the instructions needed to install, operate and maintain ÄKTA avant in a safe way.
ÄKTA avant Operating Instructions

User Manual

The User Manual provides you with instructions and information to run the ÄKTA avant system. It also includes relevant guidance for practical handling and maintenance of instrument components.
ÄKTA avant User Manual

Product Documentation

The Product Documentation contains specifications for the system and individual components in contact with process liquids.
ÄKTA avant 25 Product Documentation
ÄKTA avant 150 Product Documentation

On-Site Health and Safety Declaration Form

Please complete the checklist in the On Site Service Health and Safety Declaration Form and present it to the Service Engineer upon arrival.
On-Site Health and Safety Declaration Form

Health and Safety Declaration Form for Product Return or Servicing

If you need to return the instrument or modules to GE Healthcare, please complete the checklist in the Health and Safety Declaration Form for Product Return or Servicing, and include it with your return.
Health and Safety Declaration Form for Product Return or Servicing