This thesis was carried out at the Molecular/Cancer Biology Laboratory during the years 1997-2002, first in the Haartman Institute and later in the Biomedicum Helsinki. During this time I got to know many people, most of whom were faster than I was. However, the colorful variety of personalities made every (over)hour of this experience enjoyable. I explicitly thank:
My supervisor Kari Alitalo, who gave me the possibility to join his international group of scientists. His commitment to scientific progress, combined with his struggle to make us equally devoted, are unsurpassed.
All my co-authors, especially Arja Kaipainen (I had the mice but she knew how to analyze them), Xiao-Juan Meng (without her there would not been any mice in the first place) and Jörg Wilting (for introducing me to the secrets of the CAM assay).
Reviewers Jussi Taipale and Lena Claesson-Welsh, who really did a great job.
All former and present, permanent or temporary members of the laboratory. Especially: Athina, Dmitry, Elena, Eola, Erika, Katri, Vijay and Vladimir. Birgitta for her never-ending enthusiasm. Tanya for much of the later intellectual input. Taija, Terhi, Tanja and Marja especially for keeping me busy fixing all those computers that went berserk in quite regular intervals.
Mari, Paula, Tapio, Alun, Kaisa, Heikki and especially Tanja Pyy and recently also Katja for technical expertise and grand performances; also Marja-Leena and Miia (and the secretaries in between).
Without the financial support of the following foundations, my thesis would have been much less likely to exist: the Ida Montin Foundation, the Finnish-Norwegian Medical Foundation, the Vuorisalo Foundation, the Maud Kuistila Memorial Fund, the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation, the Aarne Koskelo Foundation, the Finnish Cancer Organizations and the Farmos Research and Science Fund.
All my crazy foreign friends and their Finnish partners who have been pitying me for what I am doing during the last 5 years: A&S, N&S and A-M&C. Friends and family in Germany, Austria, Poland and Hungary who had to be content with my absence.
Marzena for still being my sunshine.
Senility approaching, I know I have overlooked someone. This is for you.